The Rangemaster Tactical Conference was founded in 1998 by Tom Givens. With the help of his wife, Lynn Givens, Tac-Con has been growing ever since. But none of it would ever be possible without the wonderful crew members and volunteers who give their time, energy, and expertise to the conference every year. Rangemaster is forever grateful to the dozens of people who have become our Tac-Con family. Thanks so much for supporting our mission to provide top-quality personal defense training to everyday citizens at an affordable price.
Martin has been with Rangemaster almost since the beginning. He is our longtime Chief of Operations for Tac-Con. Our Match Director and Chief RSO both report to Martin. He coordinates all outdoor facilities, including overseeing pistol match logistics and securing arrangements with vendors. He’s also one of the hardest-working people at Tac-Con, always the first to show up and the last to leave. If you see him on the range, please be sure to thank him for all he does to make Tac-Con a huge success!
Tiffany is a longtime Rangemaster-certified instructor. In addition to teaching and assisting with classes, she helps with Rangemaster’s newsletter, websites, social media, other online content, and general event coordination.
Aqil Qadir is a longtime Rangemaster-certified instructor and a Tac-Con veteran. He recently took up the mantle of Chief Range Safety Officer for Tac-Con. Aq coordinates RSO assignments on all of the live-fire ranges.
Ryan McCann is a lifelong student, a talented trainer, and a security professional with lots of experience working at private shooting ranges. At TacCon, he works as the Assistant Chief RSO, helping to ensure that all the ranges are safe, well staffed, and well stocked.
Chris is a former police officer who spent 24 years with a large police department in Middle Tennessee. He served in patrol and as a firearms instructor. He spent years teaching the use of pistol, rifle, and shotgun, as well as the legal use of force. He also helped developed curriculum for an ever-expanding firearms training program. Now he works in private armed security and is a founder and lead instructor at Axiom Defense Solutions.
Will serves as the TacCon Match Director, working closely with Aqil Qadir (Chief RSO) and Martin Hoffert (Operations). Will is also the Chief Instructor of Top Gun Academy in Memphis, TN. He previously worked at Rangemaster’s former indoor range (“The Mothership”) and has been a state-certified firearms instructor since 2002.
In addition to being a longtime Rangemaster staff instructor, Hearne has a talent for building elaborate target systems. Do you like the challenge of shooting drills with turning targets and reactive mannequins? We have Mr. Hearne’s mechanical wizardry to thank for that.
Tamera Keel is known for her quick-witted writing skills, but Tac-Con is lucky enough to also benefit from her keen eye for imagery. Tam is a crack shot not only with a pistol and a pen, but also with a camera. Most of the photos on this website come from Tam, our official Tac-Con Photographer. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
Every year, Tac-Con strives to have the most talented, best-trained, most professional RSO crew in the industry. We recruit a team of over a dozen volunteers to help enforce the safety rules at the match and on the live-fire ranges all weekend. There have been too many over the years to name here, but we hope our RSOs know how much we appreciate them. They are the unsung heroes of Tac-Con, and this event simply would not happen without their hard work and dedication.